Guruji Rajiv Misra was born in Lucknow, India and met Papaji (Sri H.W.L. Poonja) in 1992.

"My worldly position was so low that initially I was afraid to attend. I had nothing to offer to the master and was also faced by so many wealthy Westerners.

"Whatever I learned from various masters - the truth of it all - funnelled into me when I met Papaji." 


Q: What is the most effective technique to reach quietness of mind? 
A: No technique, but surrender brings quietness of mind. 

Q: What is consciousness? 
A: That from where this energy is coming from and activating your mind to ask this question. That is consciousness. 

Q: In the west, people speak of "Tantra" as an equivalent to "spiritual sex". Is this view correct? What is meant by "Tantra"? 
A: Tantra has nothing to do with sex. When the seer in you is established in to its true form, when the awareness in us recognizes its true nature and ceases to recognize itself as body, then it is in peace and happiness and true bliss. No body is present there in this emptiness of mind not even the identification as body. Then there is no question of any partner. 

Tantra is not a practice, it's the highest stage of realisation of oneness of source with awareness. Therefor it cannot be physical.

This body has been made a tool to see the consciousness, use the tool rightly. Be vigilant. Realize your own self, your limitlessness. Dont be the body, see the body.



You cannot drop ego, you can not drop anything, that is do-ership. Desires are not your own, desires come from outside, this is why they keep on changing. As the situation changes, your desires changes and your thoughts are accordingly. You cannot help your own desires. So you cannot drop that which is not your own. 

Mind has the habit of finding objects and when it starts resting, when it comes to the source, fear arises because it finds no objects. Then mind creates suspicion and doubt. Then trust is important and this is possible in love.


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